Tuesday, May 1

Stormy Spring Haiku

A stormy spring day
Teases my senses to hope
That warmth will come soon

16 April

noreaster passing
‘or land with windy passion
nestles me indoors

17 April

Sunday, April 29


Mind stripped of reason
Leaving Heart to find her way
Through murmured prayer

Wednesday, April 25

The Coming Out

Each year 'round the very same hour
they grace my home with dainty power
and march along, strong as a tower,
looking for some food.

One by one they follow each other
orders given by Queen to all brothers
working hard to have their druthers
they pillage then move on.

A few drops of maple syrup left
they gather around and exert their deft
a sugary trail of tree sap theft
my counter now a mess.

Their pilgrimage is far from over
each surface of this place they'll cover
with raid can in my hand i'll hover
till arthropods are gone!

Wednesday, January 10

Still Waiting

in waiting
i think
there's time to, actually
when things
are moving

i picture black and white
night shot
of city lights
moving cars
bright streaks

that is the pace
of my mind
my thoughts
my being
moving impatiently

waiting for something
for nothing
for who i am
to slow down
and simply

be still

and wait


Good for Me 01.09.06

Saturday, December 30

Creation Heals

Dew drop dripping down
Slips from emerald leaf, falls
Heavy to the ground

Hitting slate below
Cold and grey as dewy sky
Yet hard, green with moss

Ker plunk, drip, plop, splat
Each drop with a unique voice
Drums a calming hum

Creation carries
On, a pattern all its own
Outside my window

Unaware that my
Heavy heart receives each drop
Like a healing balm

Good for Me 12.30.06

Wednesday, October 25

Saturday, October 21

Joyous Smile

I have known you somehow, with your joyous smile
Tethered deep into your heart
It is fixed there upon your supple face
Radiating out for me to feel,
To drink in when I am with you

I have known you somehow, with your joyous smile
Struggling like a pansy in the wind
To keep her face lifted towards the sun
Still your joyous smile remains
And somehow, as you bend and sway
Our hearts connect as I never thought they would

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